Universal Contact Tracing - Employee FAQ's

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Microshare are deploying contact tracing solutions for organizations around the world as we continue to deal with the current pandemic. Our knowledge of best practice and experience in overcoming the typical challenges faced when implementing these solutions is growing every day. Here is a collection of some of the typical questions and queries received from employees when deploying a Microshare Universal Contact Tracing solution. If you have any other questions, please email us on support@microshare.io

No, the data recorded on any of the Microshare wearable devices is pseudonymized see Wikipedia - Pseudonymisation for an explanation. The data we record does not contain any personally identifiable information [PII] and all subsequent contact tracing protocol carried out by employers is done so following their own HR and personnel policies.
No, the Microshare wearable devices are only recording material proximity events, i.e. 2m or within for 5 minutes or more. The badges do not know where employees are within the facility. The wearable devices are the only sensors picking up/recording data.
Microshare wearable devices do not include GPS or cellular connectivity and therefore will not record data from anywhere other than the predefined locations included in the contracted Microshare deployment [individual workplaces, facilities, factories, hospitals etc]
To preserve battery life, the wearable device goes to sleep after a period of inactivity, the default setting is for the device to go to sleep after 2 hours of inactivity.
For instances where employees live together, or are spending extended periods of time together, and do not wish to have devices constantly recording proximity events over longer periods, we recommend placing wearables apart, over 2m. Devices will go to sleep after a period of inactivity, typically 2 hours.

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