Read and Write records from the microshare datalake Read data from the data lake Your workflow will usually start with reading data that was pushed to the data lake. This can be triggered automatically if your Robot was listening to a data stream recType, or periodically with a scheduled Robot. Below are code snippets to read data from the data lake. Read record triggering the Robot Parse the message that triggered the Robot using lib.parseMsg to get the data and metadata: // Include the helper objects which allows you to read and write to microshare datalake var lib = require('./libs/helpers'); // Always need a main function, but can have other functions to keep your code modular. function main(text, auth) { print('################################# RECORD READ START ###########################'); var resp1 = lib.parseMsg(text); if (resp1.err != 1) { print('resp1 = ' + JSON.stringify(resp1)); print('obj = ' + JSON.stringify(resp1.objs[0])); print('updater = ' + JSON.stringify(resp1.objs[0].updaterId)); print('recType = ' + JSON.stringify(resp1.recType)); } print('################################# RECORD READ END #############################'); } And the returned data model is { "meta": { "totalPages": 1, "currentPage": 1, "perPage": 999, "totalCount": 1, "currentCount": 1 }, "objs": [ { "updaterId": "", "desc": "", "name": "", "createDate": { "$date": 1507824651492 }, "_id": { "$oid": "59df940b46e0fb0028fb????" }, "tags": [ "tempID1234", "demoOnly", "raw" ], "data": { "Freq": 868300000, "upid": { "$numberLong": "23393998034011????" }, "DR": 5, "msgtype": "updf", "DevEui": "58-A0-CB-FF-FF-FE-??-??", "SessID": 3, "FCntUp": 165, "ArrTime": 1506622798.0322363, "confirm": false, "region": "EU863", "regionid": 1000, "FRMPayload": "00EB05050046E???", "FPort": 000 }, "creatorId": "", "id": "59df940b46e0fb0028fb????", "checksum": "F1F3C807902AA03C4BCF2FAEE986B460C1E0434451682A6BE7799D0D07B28B98????", "tstamp": { "$numberLong": "1507824651???" }, "origin": { "tokendata": { "id": "3766b4fc-4fae-49ab-afc4-cb0d741d????" }, "desc": "Object of Type io.microshare.demo.sensor.temperature", "name": "io.microshare.demo.sensor.temperature", "createDate": { "$numberLong": "150782465????" }, "creatorId": "", "id": "59df940b46e0fb0028fb????", "checksum": "F1F3C807902AA03C4BCF2FAEE986B460C1E0434451682A6BE7799D0D07B28B98????" }, "recType": "io.microshare.demo.sensor.temperature", "owner": { "appid": "51C54CDB-D278-4CFD-B8378EF13462????", "org": "io.microshare", "user": "" } } ] } Read any record(s) You can also read any record from which you know the recType and/or id. This call will always return an array and depending on the read, you may have 0 or more records returned. The final parameter to each readShareBy call is optional. To get records by the recType and id: // Include the helper objects which allows you to read and write to Microshare datalake var lib = require('./libs/helpers'); // Always need a main function, but can have other functions to keep your code modular. function main(text, auth) { print('################################# RECORD READ START ###########################'); var tags = ["tag1", "tag2"] var record = lib.readShareById(auth, "com.yourdomain.yourrecType", "yourid"); print('################################# RECORD READ END #############################'); } To get records by the recType and associated tags: // Include the helper objects which allows you to read and write to Microshare datalake var lib = require('./libs/helpers'); // Always need a main function, but can have other functions to keep your code modular. function main(text, auth) { print('################################# RECORD READ START ###########################'); var tags = ["tag1", "tag2"] var record = lib.readShareByTags(auth, "com.your.recType", tags); print('################################# RECORD READ END #############################'); } Data lake advanced queries Review Views Guide to perform advanced queries against the data lake. Views run an aggregation query on the data lake entries and can take parameters. The returned format is the same as the read. //Include the helper objects which allows you to read and write to microshare datalake var lib = require('./libs/helpers'); // Always need a main function, but can have other functions to keep your code modular. function main(text, auth) { print('################################# VIEW READ START ###########################'); var queryParams = { "id": "any view id" }; var viewResult = lib.readShareByView(auth, "com.your.recType", "1234viewid", queryParams); print('################################# VIEW READ END #############################'); } Write data to the data lake As shown above, each step of a workflow usually ends with writing a record in the data lake. A data write use is threefold: commits data to long-term storage, generates an audit trail of your data, and triggers the create event to start the next step of the workflow. As shown below, you can specify the recType and tags of your new data entry. var lib = require('./libs/helpers'); function main(text, auth) { print('################################# WRITE START ###########################'); var tags = ['some', 'tag', 'list']; var write = lib.writeShare(auth, recType, obj, tags); print('################################# WRITE END #############################'); } Function Quick Reference function parseMsg(text) usage: parse the triggering message to obtain object and metadata input: text: JsObject output: JsObject{ err: 0 = good, 1 = fail msg: error string or Success if err = 0 meta: counts of returned shares objs[]: array of triggering shares [should be index 0] id: id of returned share recType: recType of returned share } function readShareById(auth, recType, id, params) usage: read a single share from the datalake with the specified id and recType input: auth: String, recType: String, [optional] params: JsObject output: JsObject{ err: 0 = good, 1 = fail msg: error string or Success if err = 0 meta: counts of returned shares objs[]: array of returned shares [should be index 0] id: id of returned share recType: recType of returned share } function readShareByTags(auth, recType, tags, params) usage: read a shares from the datalake that contain all tags input: auth: String, recType: String, tags: Array[String], [optional] params: JsObject output: JsObject{ err: 0 = good, 1 = fail msg: error string or Success if err = 0 meta: counts of returned shares objs[]: array of returned shares id: empty string recType: recType of returned shares } function readShareByView(auth, recType, viewId, params)** usage: read a view from the datalake by recType and viewId input: auth: String, recType: String, viewId: String, [optional] params: JsObject output: JsObject{ err: 0 = good, 1 = fail msg: error string or Success if err = 0 meta: counts of returned shares objs[]: array of the returned view objects viewId: id of the invoked view recType: recType of the invoked view } function writeShare(auth, recType, obj, tags) usage: write a new share into the datalake input: auth: String, recType: String, obj: JsObject, tag: Array[String] output: JsObject{ err: 0 = good, 1 = fail msg: error string or Success if err = 0 meta: counts of returned shares objs[]: array of the returned view objects id: id of created share recType: recType of the invoked view } function writeShareWithOwners(auth, recType, obj, tags, owners) usage: write a new share into the datalake with specified co-owners input: auth: String, recType: String, obj: JsObject, tag: Array[String], owners: JsObject output: JsObject{ err: 0 = good, 1 = fail msg: error string or Success if err = 0 meta: counts of returned shares objs[]: array of the returned view objects id: id of created share recType: recType of the invoked view } Did this doc help you? 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