LoRaWAN Gateways

The gateways in Microshare™ solutions

LoRaWan Technology

  1. Introduction
  2. What Gateways do Microshare work with?

1. Introduction

LoRaWan Technology

As seen above, the gateways serve as the bridge between your devices and the network server using bandwidth networks like WiFi, ethernet or cellular signal to communicate. LoRaWAN® gateways have the ability to recieve LoRa packets from your device, while regular gateways rely on WiFi or cellular technology (3G, 4G, 5G, etc.).

Gateways run on an operating system such as Kerlink IoT Station which is run behind the scenes interpreting your device’s packets. The gateway admin will use this operating system to manage their gateway.

For more information on gateways please visit The Things Network Website.

2. What Gateways do Microshare work with?


image from Kerlink

The Kerlink iFemtocell and Kerlink iFemtocell Evolution receives radio transmissions from the Microshare IoT devices in and around your building and uses an integrated cellular/mobile connection to send data securely to the Microshare Smart Network. The Kerlink iFemtocell is most often paired with devices that monitor indoor activity for solutions such as :

  • Contact Tracing
  • Predictive Cleaning
  • Desk/ Room Occupancy
  • Indoor Air Quality Monitoring
  • Environment Monitoring
  • Brightness Monitoring
  • Activity Level Monitoring
  • Asset Zoning
  • Leak Detection
  • Door/ Window monitoring
  • Smart Smoke Detection
  • Fridge Monitoring
  • Feedback or Timecard Stations

Our installation page has a great tutorial for both the iFemtocell and the iFemtocell EVO!


image from Kerlink

The Kerlink iStation is a carrier-grade LoRaWAN® outdoor gateway which receives radio transmissions from the Microshare IoT devices in and around your building or campus. It uses an integrated cellular/mobile connection to send data securely to the Microshare Smart Network. It is fully weatherproof and designed to be installed outdoors but can in some cases be installed internally. The Kerlink iStation is most often paired with devices that monitor outdoor activity for solutions such as:

  • Outdoor Temperature Monitoring
  • Leak detection
  • Smart Waste Detection
  • Smart Parking Monitoring
  • Smart Legionella Prevention

Our installation page has a great tutorial for both the iFemtocell and the iFemtocell EVO!

3. More information on gateways

The LoRaWAN® gateways used by Microshare fall under the class A gateway, where the gateway cannot initiate communication with your device. The gateway can only communicate for a brief window of time with your device if it is prompted to do so by your device. This enforces security and power efficiency for your devices.

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