Decoding TrackNet Tabs V1.1

Based on the TrackNet Tabs specifications V1.1 Output JSON formats are specifieds in the example below.

var lib = require('./libs/helpers');
function main(text, auth){

    /* Tabs Healthy Home Sensor Device*/
    var healthyHomeSensorPayload = "00BA34333818????";

    var decodedHealthyHomeSensorPayload = lib.decodeTabsHealthyHomeSensor(healthyHomeSensorPayload);
    Outputs a String representation of a JSON Object

    var decodedHHSJSON = JSON.parse(decodedHealthyHomeSensorPayload); /* To use as JSON */

    /* Tabs Door and Window Device*/
    var doorAndWindowPayload = "00BA050500242E10";

    var decodedDoorAndWindowPayload = lib.decodeTabsDoorAndWindowSensor(doorAndWindowPayload);
    Outputs a String representation of a JSON Object

    var decodedDAWJSON = JSON.parse(decodedDoorAndWindowPayload); /* To use as JSON */

    /* Tabs Motion Sensor Device*/
    var motionSensorPayload = "00BA0505002????";

    var decodedMotionSensorPayload = lib.decodeTabsMotionSensor(motionSensorPayload);
    Outputs a String representation of a JSON Object

    var decodedMSJSON = JSON.parse(decodedMotionSensorPayload); /* To use as JSON */

    /* Tabs Object Locator Device*/
    var objectLocatorPayload = "00BA050AA061023318????";

    var decodedObjectLocatorPayload = lib.decodeTabsObjectLocator(objectLocatorPayload);
    Outputs a String representation of a JSON Object
    {"Battery":73,"Lon":-75.163597,"Lat":39.952394,"LatLabelled":"39.952394°","TempLabelled":"-27°C","Accuracy":128,"LonLabelled":"-75.163597°","BatteryVoltageLabelled":"3.5V","Temp":-27,"AccuracyLabelled":"128m","BatteryVoltage":3.5,"BatteryLabelled":"73%","Status":"GNSS fix OK"}

    var decodedOLJSON = JSON.parse(decodedObjectLocatorPayload); /* To use as JSON */

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