Kerlink Wanesy Management Center (WMC)

Pushing Data to the Microshare Smart Network using the Kerlink Wanesy Management Center

In this page we explain how to configure your Kerlink instance to work with Microshare for the contact tracing use case. But this works for all Microshare use cases.


  1. Create a new Customer
  2. Create a new Push Configuration for Microshare
  3. Create a new cluster (for Microshare Contact Tracing)
  4. Declare the (Wave) Devices


Prerequisite. Log into your WMC instance

Once you have your wearable devices and location markers installed within your facility, you are ready to begin pushing data to the Microshare Smart Network™.

In order to do this, you will first need to log in to your Kerlink Wanesy Management Center [WMC] interface with the login details given to you by Microshare.

1. Create a new Customer

Create a new Customer “Microshare”: Administration > Customers> +


2. Create a new Push Configuration for Microshare

Create a new Push Configuration for Microshare: Administration > Clusters> Push Configurations


Customer: Microshare 

Name: Microshare Contact Tracing Push Config1 

Type: HTTP 

Message detail level: Payload 

- Click NEXT

Insert the Connection URL: Contact for the URL endpoint details and enter it on this screen

[e.g. /token/1234567890]


  • Click NEXT

Simply click NEXT on the following screen, no changes needed: (SSL)


Click VALIDATE on the following screen, no changes needed: Custom Headers


3. Create a new cluster for Microshare Contact Tracing

Create a new cluster for Microshare Contact Tracing: Administration > Clusters > + </br>Banner </br>Banner

Customer: Microshare  

Name: Microshare Contact Tracing 


Push Configuration: select “Microshare Contact Tracing Push 1” 


4. Declare the Wave Devices

Declare the Wave Devices: Administration > End Devices > +

From the Cluster drop down menu, select the Cluster you just created </br>Banner

Profile: Static 

Class: A 

Region: choose the regional parameters for your region 

LoRaWAN MAC version: 1.0.2 

Regional parameters revision: B

- Click NEXT

Insert the relevant Device ID

Device EUI, Application EUI and Application keys are available from Kerlink or Microshare </br>Banner

  • Click NEXT

Click NEXT on the following screen, no changes needed (unless specifically instructed otherwise): LoRaWAN RF Parameters


Select “Inherited” on the following screen: Geolocation


Repeat this process for all the Wave devices or use the csv upload to carry out a mass device declaration

5. Now plug in the Wave(s) in an area covered by a Kerlink gateway connected to the same Kerlink WMC instance (the gateway needs to either be assigned to the “Microshare” customer, OR be set to “PUBLIC”).

Check that the Wave is joining correctly and sending uplinks

Contact Microshare Fulfillment team ( to confirm

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